guilden sutton

war memorial






War memorial


war memorial



Each year our Village Remembrance Service is held at the Methodist Chapel, and concludes with the laying of wreaths on the Village War Memorial on the opposite corner.  This features a plaque listing the names of the members of the village who fell in the Second World War, and these are read out as part of the ceremony.

Recently, some residents have shown an interest in including the names of the fallen in the First World War.  It is unusual that they are not currently commemorated, and investigations have led to a review of the names from the Second World War.


Research so far


1st World War    

The following names are highlighted on the First World War panel in St John’s Church, and advice would be welcomed from anyone who can provide any information about these people, and whether the list is complete and accurate:


J Griffiths, S Wrench, F Lindop, W F Smith


2nd World War 

The names of the fallen listed on the War Memorial are:


Bromley T L, Colley S, Dare J, Edwards T E, Lawton F T, Melia J, Moorcroft W H


Interestingly, the old war memorial in the Methodist chapel has one less name, Bromley T L not having being included, but the Second World War panel in St John’s Church additionally includes T Spruce and E G Lockley.


If anyone can provide any information whatsoever about either list, it would be gratefully received by Bill Moulton (348473) or Trisha Paterson (300307 ) who will collate it and present it to the Parish Council.